Saturday, November 26, 2011

My new digs...

Good morning everyone!  We had a good check-up with Beth our favorite midwife last week.  She did blow my big secret though and after mom ask her to check, confirmed that I was already head down...I was hoping to surprise her...Mom was SO excited that it kind of made up for it though.  She still isn't convinced that Im staying in that position all the time...hey it would be boring not to move around some...but she is still happy to know I can at least get into the proper position.  We have reached the point in our journey that  mom and dad will start going to the Dr's every two weeks and then we move on to weekly visits.   Doesn't bother me though, Im just along for the ride.  
I am still getting bigger and stronger, mom can tell by all the pushing and shoving I do in here.  (But hey I am 225 days old what do you expect?)  Dad thinks its funny to watch how much I shove her belly around...he-he.  Its definitely getting more cramped in here, but I'm still warm and cozy, so no plans to check out of my room just yet.  Although on an exciting note dad has been working really hard and I do have a super cool place to call my own when I finally pop out of here!  I guess there is still more to do (like fixing a place for me to hang my clothes...whatever those are) putting some fun things on the wall for me to look at and finding just the right chair to feed and rock me in.  Im still pretty excited though!  Check out the photos of all the progress and I'll have them update them as soon as its all done.

Gotta run, time for a nap!
Lots of love


  1. Dear Matthew,

    Your daddy and mommy have been working so hard on your room and it looks like all of their hard work has finally paid off. Your digs look great. We are so happy that things are going well with you and you are growing big and strong. We know you are nice and cozy in there but we cannot wait to meet you soon. I promise you that you are going to be surrounded by so much love it will still feel as cozy as it does in there. We love you so much!

    Aunt Mina, Uncle Peppi and Cousin Joey

  2. Wow your room is beautiful and your Dad is doing a wonderful job. I think that you will be so happy in
    your room. You are so lucky to have such a handy Dad. This Ammy and Papap are so excited and cannot wait to meet you.
