Friday, June 29, 2012

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas...

Well, I can't really speak about the apples yet, although they look great, but I can tell you I really enjoyed those bananas!  Mom mashed some up for me yesterday and left them for Dad to share with me at lunch…wow, so much better than that avocado thingy from last week, who’s idea was that!?!  I don’t know when I will get to have more of this tasty treat but if this is what the whole eating thing is about, sign me up!
On to other interesting news, I finally went to the beach this past weekend!  I've been patiently waiting to go back cause I remember how much I enjoyed it when I was still in mommy’s tummy.  It was a lot different than I remember but lots of things are different here on the outside.  The sun still felt nice and warm, I liked that part so much I took a nap while we were there…oddly it sounded a lot like my bedroom does at bed time…but the sand, well, that part was kind of funny.  Mom put my feet in it and it was squishy and soft and then my toes disappeared!  This alarmed me because I just found those toes and I really like to put them in my mouth, but luckily it was just for a minute because then some water came and uncovered them again.  But that water...that was another area I had my doubts about.  I mean I’m just standing there…well, being dangled there…and out of nowhere this wall of water is coming at me trying to take my feet away!  Then that sneaky water runs away!  But does it stay away? NOOOOO here it comes again, over and over with this silly game…finally mom and dad realized I was tired of playing with it and actually carried me out into it …this I liked much better…this felt more  like my big bathtub.
Today mom got to stay home with me from work, so we are having a play date with my buddy Colton at his pool, that's gonna be fun cause its gonna be hot hot hot around here.
Keep cool peeps, check ya soon!


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